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Upcoming events and any teachings from H.E. Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche

  • Photo report on the Buryatia trip

    Photo report on the Buryatia trip

    After giving the teachings in Irkutsk, Rinpoche traveled throughout Buryatia. The Republic of Buryatia is a region of the Russian Federation whose residents have practiced Buddhism for centuries. The first traces of Buddhism in Buryatia date back to 441 AD, but it became really widespread during the Russian Empire due to the patronage of Russian… Read…

  • Photo report from the Phowa retreat on Lake Baikal

    Photo report from the Phowa retreat on Lake Baikal

    From June 19 to 22, a Phowa practice retreat was held under the guidance of Ga Lhaghang Rinpoche. The retreat took place on Lake Baikal, surrounded by forests and mountains. Lake Baikal is a huge ancient lake in the mountains of Siberia north of the Mongolian border. Baikal is considered to be the deepest lake… Read…

  • Audience with Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche

    Audience with Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche

    On July 1, Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche was invited by Lodoy Rinpoche to an audience at Rinpoche Bagsha Datsan in Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Yeshe Lodoy Rinpoche is one of the first Tulku who came to Mongolia and Buryatia since the 1980’s and very well known to the previous Ga Lhakhang Tulku Ngawang Thinley Namgyal.

  • Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Irkutsk, Russia 2024

    Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Irkutsk, Russia 2024

    After a long wait for almost 5 years Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche was warm welcomed by brothers and sisters of Ga Rangrig Osel Ling in Irkutsk, Russia. Irkutsk is the cultural capital of Eastern Siberia. It is located near Lake Baikal, which is the deepest lake on the planet and the largest reservoir of fresh water.… Read…

  • Announcement of the Dorje Drolo empowerment.

    Announcement of the Dorje Drolo empowerment.

    On June 6 (30 lunar day), Rinpoche agreed to give Dorje Drolo empowerment at the request of some disciples. Dorje Drolo is an extremely wrathful aspect of Guru Padmasambhava, called ‘Crazy wisdom’ and also is one of the Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. Event time: June 6, 2024 10:00Minimal donation: 5 euro / per person.Suggested… Read…

  • July 19-21, 2024 – Retreat with the 13th Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Italy (Bologna)

    July 19-21, 2024 – Retreat with the 13th Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Italy (Bologna)

    For the first time, H.E. Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche will be in Italy to give the Buddha Amitabha empowerment, the Phowa transmission of the Six Yogas of Naropa and the Long Life Initiation of the Buddha Amitayus. Rinpoche will then come to Italy once a year to continue and complete the transmissions and practices related to… Read…

  • Га Лхаканг Ринпоче впервые прибудет в Россию!

    Га Лхаканг Ринпоче впервые прибудет в Россию!

    JUNE 14 – JULY 12, 2024 Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche is coming to Russia for the first time! Expect teachings, initiations in Irkutsk, a retreat on the shores of Lake Baikal and a visit to Buryatia….

  • Announcement of april teachings “General Introduction to the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage and the Six Yogas of Naropa”

    Announcement of april teachings “General Introduction to the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage and the Six Yogas of Naropa”

    Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche will hold three introductory sessions of online teachings on 7-14-28 April from 10am to 12pm (CET) on “General Introduction to the Drukpa Kagyu Lineage and the Six Yogas of Naropa”. The teachings will be translated into italian language. More information can be found here. Event time: Suggested donation: 25 euro / per… Read…

  • Announcement of White Tara ritual (Drolchog)

    Announcement of White Tara ritual (Drolchog)

    Dear friends, on the 10th lunar day (Tuesday March 19th) Rinpoche will bestow a long life White Tara ritual (Drolchog). If you want your name or the names of your loved ones be specifically mentioned in the prayer please fill them in the form. Offerings to the Guru are most welcome as usual! The conference… Read…