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Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Irkutsk, Russia 2024

Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche in Irkutsk, Russia 2024

After a long wait for almost 5 years Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche was warm welcomed by brothers and sisters of Ga Rangrig Osel Ling in Irkutsk, Russia. Irkutsk is the cultural capital of Eastern Siberia. It is located near Lake Baikal, which is the deepest lake on the planet and the largest reservoir of fresh water. Irkutsk is separated by the Angara River, which comes from Lake Baikal and is so clean that you can drink from it.

The first visit of Ga Lhakhang Rinpoche to Russia and in particular to Irkutsk was of great interest to the disciples and the public, guests came from many parts of Russia and neighboring countries. There were students from Moscow, Minsk, Krasnodar, Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Kyzyl, Ulaan-Bator, Ulan-Ude and other cities. Guru saw the sights, visited ancient temples, visited Baikal and the ethnographic museum, gave interview for local television and conducted with great success Precious Teachings that cannot be overestimated! All the days of Rinpoche’s stay were filled with Light and Love, which were so intense that they were imprinted on the photos and in the hearts of the students. Teacher was very satisfied with the organization and the visit to Irkutsk! Rinpoche expressed his wish to have a Dharma Center in the city and gave some instructions in this regard.

On the first day, an introductory meeting was held. People were able to meet Rinpoche and ask questions.

On the second day, the ceremony of taking refuge and receiving a Buddhist name took place.

On the third day, Rinpoche bestowed Vajrayogini empowerment that was needed for Phowa practice retreat.

Photos provided by Lyubov Shokhonova